Now more than ever, people are choosing solar as the cheapest possible option to get the best quality garden lighting. Not everyone has a power socket outside, the price of electricity has skyrocketed and it is more pleasant to not worry about hiding your mains cable throughout the garden. There are many many companies selling cheap solar lights to keep those gardens bright.
At the Solar Centre, everything is designed to withstand the UK climate. Not a lot of sunshine? We make lights with bigger solar panels. Snow and ice? Many of our products come with high-grade frost-resistant polycrystalline panels that store and charge the battery inside. Solar lighting these days can be very reliable and charge on cloudy days. There are power-saving modes and auto switch-off timers. Consumers pay a fair deal for higher quality solar that stands the test of time. So, is solar lighting any good?

A major advantage of using solar lighting is that they cost nothing to operate. Because solar lighting doesn’t require electricity for power, it can save you money in the long term. After the initial cost for a quality solar light which can be high, the cost is typically recouped over time as you pay nothing in energy costs to run the lights.

Another pro is that installation for solar lighting is a lot more simple. There is no need to install main cables, meaning you can place the lights anywhere in your garden. Solar power is free energy and as long as solar lights can charge in direct sunlight, they’ll work problem-free, automatically turning off after dusk.

Solar lighting doesn’t need too much maintenance. As long as it is placed in a sunny spot, and the panel stays relatively clear of mud and leaves the light is good to go. A typical solar battery lasts around 600 hours, which is about two solid years of use. Most solar lights have replaceable batteries.

The average solar path light delivers about as much light as a 40-watt light bulb. Solar landscape lights provide ambient lighting, which tends toward a bluish or orange hue. Solar lighting can be incredibly powerful. Security lights are able to store masses of power and let it out in small bursts. It is safe to say that solar lights can light up your entire garden, and save you on your bills at the same time.
It is safe to say that buying cheaper solar does not mean better. The UK can experience incredibly harsh weather and cloudy days, we experience rain, frost, heatwaves and storms. these are far from ideal circumstances for solar lights to work well.