The extention cable should be fitted between the light and the solar panel.
The extension cable is 5 metres, so yes if you purchase two you will then have enough to reach your spot. There is usually a drop of 10% but this can be counteracted with a good south facing panel.
Each light would need an extension cable, each cable has the adaptors to link the cable so we would recommend cutting them.
The standard Chester Remote solar panel which can be positioned up to 1m away from the light. This extension wire adds an additional 5 meters.
It's up to you. If you need 2 additional 5m extension cable then I'd buy two.
Yes, the more cables the great the reduction of power from the panel to the light but this can be easily offset but having the panel is a far better position.
No this is the only cable to extend the distance from the panel to the light.
This cable only fits the Chester Solar Up and Down Light.
Clips aren't included with the extension cable.