just received 5 replacement London usb tops. They appear to fold out so you have 2 solar panels. Is this correvt in order to maximise the charge as it doesn't say anywhere.
Thanks By Mark on Jul 13,2024
This is correct, these are the new tops, with dual panels to help capture more sun.
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Just got delivery of the London anthracite replacement top. It looks great and is working immediately. And I know I'm supposed to wait 3 days…
There seem to be two additional features not mentioned in the description or on your informative video.
It has three small bulbs instead of just one. And it looks like there is a usb connection.
Both great selling points I think.(!)
So - can I recharge with a usb cable maybe? If needed?
Best you mention this online maybe..
It also looks much brighter than the others I have from last year which are still working fine. (One failed- hence the new top)
Thank you. By Jan McGready on Feb 9,2024
Thank you for your question.
Yes, that is correct, you can recharge the top by USB.